Welcome to the Poe-a-tree Blog Event sponsored by Roy Durham. Here's the idea behind the Poe-a-tree Blog: Each blogger will post a verse to the poem topic and the links to the other participating blogs. Sounds like fun.
Per Roy, the theme of the poem is: “I am standing on a beach looking out to the horizon, what are my thoughts”. “What do I see, what do I feel, what is calling to me.” These are the questions to ask yourself and then write a verse. As many lines as you feel like.
Melissa Tandoc http://www.grazieadio.blogspot.com/ has the post position just prior to me, and Jan Neel http://jovanecatharticmusings.blogspot.com/ is just after me. We didn't collaborate so let's see how this goes!
Here's my contribution and the links to all participants is below my post. Hope you enjoy all the posts and please leave comments for everyone as you view this adventure in Poe-a-tree!
I pause at the ocean’s
Open to my fate
The horizon looks
And totally unbreachable
Should I swim out and trust in fate
Are you my gentle wave or my riptide
Sue Larson http://suelarson.blogspot.
Melissa Tandoc http://www.grazieadio.blog
Mari Sterling Wilbur http://www.mariscamera.blo
Jan Neel http://jovanecatharticmusi
Megan Johnson http://starrlilly.blogspot
Sulekkha Rawat http://sulekkha.blogspot.c
Roy Durham http://royd-spiltmilk.blog
Digital art copyright: Mari Sterling Wilbur Photographs