Friday, November 11, 2011

Changing What's Real Monthly Event By "The Other Side of Anna"

At the beginning of each month The Other Side of Anna will be showcasing a photo gallery of her work displaying an original photo and the subsequent photo edits and editions that she has done to it.  There will be a linky tool on her blog available for anyone who would like to join in the fun.  The event will begin the first day of each month and continue until the last day of the month. There are a lot of creative photographers out there and we'd all love to see your work.

I use Photo Shop Elements for my digital art but there are lots of programs available like Picnik, Gimp, Picasa, and of course Photo Shop. Prices vary from free to expensive.

I love creating digital art and spend a lot of time at it. For me it's a relaxing artistic endeavor. I'm excited Anna has started this project and I can't wait to see what everyone posts.

Here's mine for November:

This is my original photo taken of a Peony in my garden. Notice the ants crawling around, I've pointed them out with blue arrows. They are small but definitely spoil the photo! I removed them with the cloning tool in Photo Shop Elements (PSE).

This is the same photo with the ants removed. Now I can sell this image on my RedBubble photo sales site as greeting cards, prints etc. 

Then I started playing around adding various textured layers in PSE:

Pink textured layer with grainy film look

Gold textured layer with grainy film look

The last two are similar to each other but I used PSE with Topaz Labs Filters rather than textured layers. 

I edited the first one to a soft lavender painterly look with a soft grainy feel....dreamy!

I edited this one to a soft white and grey painterly look with a soft grainy feel....more dreaminess!

All of these from just one photograph! 

ALL images are copyright protected and the property of Mari Sterling Wilbur Photographs. Thank you. If you wish to use any of my photographs please contact me at 

Which do you like best? Leave a comment below with a link to your site. As always, feel free to leave a photo. We all love to share your work.

Be sure and visit Anna's blog and leave your post on the Linky Tool and also comments. 

Happy clicking!


jan said...

These are beautiful. I think I like the third one best. <3

Martha Orlando said...

I love watching my husband, Danny, do these tricks in photoshop.  Have tried some myself, and it is fun.  Your photo examples are exemplary!  Thank you, Mari, for sharing here and giving inspiration to us all!

Mari Sterling Wilbur said...

You're welcome! Thank you for leave a compliment and comment.

Sarah-jane said...

Your edits are brilliant Mari. Taking one very beautiful photograph and enhancing it to make several even more beautiful ones. Love this.

wan maznah cooking varieties said...

Hi mari, this is really beautiful. i like all of them, its difficult to single out which one is the best.
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Anna Sides said...

Oh Mari, these are beautiful!  I'm having a really difficult time deciding which one is my favorite :)  With each one I have something that I find special about it.  They all have a special quality.  Thank you so much for participating!  I love your work.

Ann Booth said...

Beautiful!  My favorite is the lavender tinged one.  I just got PSE 10--haven't installed it yet.  I use this & Picnik mostly.  Alaways learn something new when I read your blog!

Rogueartist said...

You are way more skilled at digital than I could ever be!  Of course, I like the second one the best, probably because I look at it every day on my blog.  I play around with a couple of inexpensive programs I have, but never do anything serious with them (other than taking the wrinkles out of faces!).  I did experiment with the photo of the blues musician that you saw.  I started out with trying to reproduce my digital piece, but ended up changing it.  It is a very complicated painting, and very painstaking, and I am still working on it after 6 weeks.  I will send you a photo when I am finally done.

I wish I had the mental capacity to work successfully with digital, but I think I should leave it to people like you, who actually KNOW what they are doing!!

Rogueartist said...

Well, I checked out Anna's blog and decided to participate in my own simple-minded way.  I may be embarrassing myself, but what the heck!  Maybe I'll  learn something!!

Mari Sterling Wilbur said...

This is becoming more and more of a passion for me!

Mari Sterling Wilbur said...

I'll head over there now. How nice that you're her featured blogger!

Mari Sterling Wilbur said...

And I love yours!!! We have a mutual admiration society going :)

Mari Sterling Wilbur said...

I'm so glad you are learning here :)

Mari Sterling Wilbur said...

I'm not so sure I know what I'm doing lol - I just keep playing around until I get a look I like. :)

Mari Sterling Wilbur said...

Wow! This is beautiful - I love the soft look and feel of it. 

Rachel said...

I LOOOOOOVE the gold,film-grainy one!  Stunning!

Lakwatsera de Primera said...

I wish to find time to try my hand at digital editing, the possibility for creative work looks very promising.

Jpbrandanophoto said...

I always enjoy reading your blog. I love the flower especially after you removed the ants lol. It is a lot of
 fun to get creative with our images , isn't it?

Andy said...

Hello Mari.
Even with the ants, I thought the original was beautiful (lol), but I love what you've done with your creative editing. If I had to choose I think it would be the pink & gold with the grainy me they look like they've been hand painted.
Awesome job!
Thanks for sharing & visiting. I appreciate the comment.

Imaginary Dreams

Manisha Bhatia said...

O Mari!!

I soo love flowers! This beautiful whites reflect so much purity!! Lovely!!


Team G Square said...

Somehow don't like to edit the photos , except for cropping that too if necessary .

Mari Sterling Wilbur said...

Thank heavens for cloning tools in photo editing software - so much easier than removing bugs than by hand :) I'm loving your edits also.

Mari Sterling Wilbur said...

I love photo editing. I also paint and do mixed media work. It's all so relaxing. 

Mari Sterling Wilbur said...

Thank you - it's so fun to take one photo and turn it into many.

Mari Sterling Wilbur said...

Thanks Andy - I love doing this.

Mari Sterling Wilbur said...

This is a Peony which is my favorite flower. They are stunning.

Mari Sterling Wilbur said...

Most of my photography has been straight out of the camera. However, once I took up digital art I became hooked. :)

Melissa Tandoc said...

I fist saw this digital art in your page, then Alfandi's. I appreciated it more now.

I wouldn't have seen the ant or would rather figure it out for myself if you haven't pointed it out :) I liked the purplish and white effects at the last two made the flower softer and more delicate and more relaxing to the eyes.

I love this :)

Melissa Tandoc said...

Oh I've visited Anna's page and saw her works :)